Category: Strong EAP

University of Rochester Strong EAP Companies

Strong EAP is now offering referrals for mediation services to their employees. Divorce and Family Mediation Services has been selected to be one of those providers. Strong EAP and Divorce and Family Mediation Services, Inc. are offering these services at a 10% discount for employees.

Mediation is the preferred option for couples separating or divorcing as well as for families needing help resolving different areas of conflict including financial, emotional and behavioral issues. This may include parent/child issues, sibling issues and relationship issues for couples who wish to stay together and work on things.

A mediator is a neutral third party who is professionally trained in conflict resolution skills to help facilitate your discussions. Mediation helps you reach agreements without using attorneys for decision making or going to court; saving you time, money and stress. This allows you, not an attorney or judge, to make decisions that impact your life.


  • Less Expensive – a mediated divorce/separation can be less than half the cost of a litigated divorce or separation.
  • Less Time-consuming – the mediation process can be done in weeks with 3-4, 1 ½ hour sessions.
  • Less Stressful – you make the decisions that matter to you most working cooperatively together to come up with an equitable agreement
  • Confidential and Voluntary


  • Tools for resolving conflict.
  • Facilitated conversations with a trained conflict resolution specialist, in a private, safe place.
  • Future focused, solution based conversations and solutions.
  • Resolution from short term sessions with long term improvements for relationships of all kinds.
  • Facilitated discussions for people who want to improve relationships in their lives.

Schedule your one hour, no obligation consultation today. Mediation is confidential and voluntary. Come and see how mediation can benefit you.

(585) 269-8140
[email protected]