LGBTQ Families

 “Family” extends beyond the traditional nuclear family of Mom, Dad, two kids, and a dog to include other loving, mutually supporting families. The Mediation Center, Inc. supports all forms of families and their choices.

New York State now recognizes marriage between same sex couples. When same-sex couples decide to dissolve a legally recognized marriage or a domestic partnership, there are the same decisions to make

that heterosexual couples must make about property, children and support. But gay, lesbian, and transgender couples need to be aware of differences that may exist in other states if they move. Those couples without legally recognized marriages need to make decisions without the same legal safety net that guarantees rights. No matter what your situation, separating without court intervention can be a welcome relief for couples who want to maintain their privacy and are able to separate in an amicable way.

You may need to address a range of issues, including eligibility for health insurance, life insurance, survivor benefits, domestic partnership status, living wills, wills, health care power of attorney, and HIPPA authorization for access to health care records. Second parent adoption enables both parents to participate in major decisions involving the child's upbringing, as well as establishing other rights.

We will help you with parenting, asset division and support through mediation in a non-court based environment and make sure you have not overlooked the relevant issues that will affect you and your family.